FAQ / User Guide

Setting up

All app users must use an email hosted/authenticated by one of the following providers: Google, Office365, Salesforce, Dropbox, Box, Smartsheet. Please consult your IT department if you are unsure.

Go to the "Add licenses" tab and pay for however many aircraft and users you are adding, including yourself.

Once your subscription has been paid with paypal, you will receive an email from our sales team when your account has been activated and the app is ready for you to use. Visit these links to download the app on iOS and Android. Log in with the same email.

Your first time logging into the app, add all your company users and aircraft:
Users - click the menu button, click Users, add each person at your company that needs to use the app. We recommend an admin user for each dispatch/ops employee and a crew user for each captain. For audit trail reasons, we do not allow sharing accounts. These accounts may take up to 24 hours to be activated by our team before they can use the app.
Aircraft - Click the aircraft tab at the bottom, add all company aircraft, with their current hours and cycles in for the “initial” values. Aircraft are immediately able to be used once added.

On first login, first add all your company users and aircraft: Crew may add their flight at takeoff or landing - they can edit their proposed times to actuals on landing if they add a flight at takeoff (crew may only edit flights they have entered, not others’). Data will not sync until the top right “sync” button is clicked

Crew may add ECTM data or defects at any time during flight, and sync the data once on the ground with internet connection.

Admin users can have an overview of aircraft serviceability at any time by looking at the aircraft tab. A green dot beside an aircraft registration means there is no open defects and the next maintenance due is in the future.

Admin users must update the next maintenance due any time scheduled maintenance is performed, to ensure ops is working with the most up to date information.

Although we take daily offsite backups of all data, we recommend running reports on a daily or weekly basis for audit trail purposes. Click the top left menu button, click reports, run a report for all aircraft, defects, and ECTM data since the previous report you ran and save somewhere offsite.

Can add and remove aircraft, users Can edit flights,defects,ectm Can add flights,defects,ectm Can add rectifications to defects
Company Admin X X X X
Admin X X X*
Maintenance X X X
Crew X
*There is an option in the app to allow or not allow admin to enter rectifications.
Once an aircraft or user is marked inactive, you must contact support to restore it (make the word support a link to emailto:support@logbookr.com)
